Privacy Policy

In accordance with the California Consumer Protection Act, I hereby request the removal of my personal information from your database and its non-sale to any third party.

As a California resident, I am entitled to the protections provided by this legislation.

According to your Privacy Notice, I understand that your company collects and analyzes information related only to businesses and business professionals. Please confirm that no personal information about me has been collected or processed for commercial purposes.

To initiate the removal of my personal information, please acknowledge receipt of this request by email and outline the steps you will take to fulfill it. I may need to provide additional information to verify my identity.

Californian Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA Ready)

The Californian Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) safeguards the data privacy rights of California residents, granting them control over how their personal information is used.

Our collection of publicly disclosed personal information is strictly for professional purposes and shared with third parties solely to enhance our services.

We ensure CCPA compliance by conducting privacy audits, updating policies, and enhancing data protection.

We have conducted a privacy audit, consulted legal experts, and fortified our data protection measures to comply with relevant regulations. Updates have been made to our privacy policies, terms of service, and data handling procedures.

For details on the types of data collected, usage, and rights under CCPA, please refer to the following information.

California residents have the right to access their collected personal information, request deletion, opt-out of information sale, and avoid discrimination for exercising their data privacy rights.

Upholding CCPA rights is a priority, and we are dedicated to addressing any concerns about data privacy. Contact us for further assistance.

We gather various personal information, including full names, company emails, positions, company phone numbers, mailing addresses, and social links, for marketing accuracy, business visibility, site interaction, and product enhancement. This data is sourced directly or from publicly available information with permission. Customers can request personal data deletion under specific conditions, and we will ensure compliance across our services and with partners.

Cases where refusal to delete personal data may apply

  • To fulfill transactions or services
  • For ongoing business relations
  • To meet contractual obligations
  • For security and fraud prevention
  • To troubleshoot product issues
  • To protect free speech or consumer rights
  • Per California Electronic Communications Privacy Act
  • For public or academic research
  • For internal purposes as expected by the consumer relationship
  • Legal compliance requirements

Your rights under the California Privacy Protection Act (CPPA)

  • Access to personal data collected
  • Data portability options
  • Opt-out rights for data sale or sharing

Opt-out rights for personal data sale or sharing

  • Direct us to refrain from selling or sharing personal data (opt-out)
  • Notify consumers of potential data sale and opt-out rights
  • Restrict sale of minor’s data without consent
  • Respect opt-out requests for personal data sale